High blood pressure is a common long term condition that is a problem globally. The link below shows the statistics from the BHF for the Stoke-on-Trent area
How to Prevent Hypertension
- Regular Exercise
- Not smoking
- Eating healthy – ensuring you eat your 5 a day
- Limit alcohol intake
What are the potential risks of high blood pressure?
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Heart disease
- Kidney disease
The link below advises how to take your blood pressure correctly.
Blood pressure test – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Blood pressure readings are not generally noted as a one off reading. Certain factors, health issues and medications can have an impact on your blood pressure reading. Due to this, your blood pressure is usually done 2-3 tomes at least twice a day which will then heko clinicians and yourself to find the average blood pressure reading and be able to action further if required.
If your BP seems to be higher or lower your Surgery may ask you to do your BP readings for 1 weeks before seeking any further action.
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