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World Sepsis Day

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis is a life threatening condition which is a reaction to an infection which attacks your vital organs. Sepsis can not be passed from one person to another and can affect anyone of any age

Think quick & act NOW

Although Sepsis can affect anyone, some people are more at risk of developing Sepsis such as;

  • Newborn babies
  • People with a weakend immune system
  • People aged over 75
  • People who have diabetes
  • Women who have just given birth

Although it is not always possible to prevent Sepsis. There are some things that we can do to reduce the risk.

  • Washing hands regularly
  • Taking care of wounds correctly i.e. keeping them clean
  • Always get checked out for any potential infections

Sepsis symptoms will differ from person to person dependant on their age.


  • Blotchy skin
  • A rash that doesn’t fade with a glass
  • More sleepy than normal
  • Difficulty breathing or breathing quicker than normal
  • Less responsive than normal
  • High-pitched unusual cry


  • Blotchy/pale skin
  • A rash that doesn’t disappear with glass
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Slurred speech or not making sense when talking
  • Confusion

Don’t be afraid to ask the Question

Is it Sepsis?
